One of the key aspects of a humanā€™s life is an argument. The use of the argument is made everywhere and almost when we engage in any sort of discussion be it related to any matter. In general terms, the argument is defined as the exchange of opposite views or it can be said that the exchange of views on any topic is called an argument. There are two types of indicators of argument. One is the conclusion indicator and the other is the premise indicator ( The former used to give a final point of view or conclusion on anything and it includes hence, therefore, and many others of their ilk. Similarly, the premise indicator includes because supposing that, and are used at the start of the argument. An example of argument can be anything such as excessive use of social media is bad for children.

Cogent reasoning is referred to as a type of argument that has strong reasoning and has true premises. The criteria for cogent reasoning are threefold. It includes a true premise, contains pertinent and relevant information, and is logically valid.

There is a difference between deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning draws a conclusion from already known information or any given facts. It analyzes the information and given facts and then infers a conclusion on the analysis of these facts. While the concept of inductive reasoning is related to more of a general conclusion. It can be said that it draws a general conclusion from the given set of information ( On the basis of this, a difference can be drawn between deductive valid and inductively strong arguments. It can be said that the argument is deductively valid when the conclusion that is drawn using deductive reasoning appears to be true and valid. In fact, it is true. Whereas the argument will be inductively strong when the general conclusion that is drawn using inductive reasoning is strong and cogent. For an argument to be deductively valid, it must be true and valid whilst in the case of an inductively strong argument, it needs to be strong and has a sound basis. For the latter, it may be true that it may not be valid and true. Deductive reasoning starts from the premise or any presumption. On the other hand, inductive reasoning starts from a conclusion. It first draws a conclusion and then confirms it. The use of a deductively valid argument is difficult and needs sound research as facts are required which must be true and generate a valid argument. where the use of the inductive argument is comparatively easier because it requires evidence to justify or confirm an already drawn conclusion.

In making or creating an argument, there is always a role of background beliefs and viewpoints that play their part. These backgroundsā€™ viewpoints can exercise a potent influence on the generation of an argument. For instance, if a person conducts research about the presence of God, here, the role of background beliefs will play a critical role. It can happen that defenders of the presence of God will look for an argument that justifies and gives credence to their position. On the other hand, those who oppose the presence of God may look for evidence that confirms their position. Here, the role of the inherent beliefs came to play their role. A person who staunchly believes in the presence of God and is a strong advocate of this will look for pieces of evidence or arguments that can help him in supporting his or her position. The same principle holds for people who are standing on the other side of the aisle. In this way, the role of background beliefs and views can play an integral role in generating an argument.

Once, I had an argument with my fellow about whether social media is a boon or bane. I took the position that it is the bane and its disadvantages far outweigh its disadvantages. I used rational arguments to persuade my fellow. I gave him an array of evidence and showed it from multiple points that how social media is proving bane. For instance, I told him how the use of social media is used for propaganda and spreading fake news. Similarly, it has become a handy tool for ultra-right groups to recruit people across the group and spread their hatred. I gave him the example of the Christchurch attack which showed how an attacker was a staunch follower of trump. Similarly, I explained the effects of social media on children and how It has corrupted human relations. By presenting these arguments underpinned by solid evidence and real-world examples, I was able to convey to my fellow students that social media is indeed a bane.

  1. Girard, P. (n.d.). What are the arguments?
  2. Difference between Inductive and Deductive reasoning. (n.d.).