Why might depression be called the "common cold" of psychological disorders?

Depression is often referred to as the common cold of psychological disorders. It is so because depression has become increasingly common, especially among the youth. As it has become quite common in the contemporary era, it would have become common for doctors to diagnose and treat it. The mental illness of depression is increasing and becoming common which is why it is declared as the common cold of psychological disorders.

In recent years, depression is increasingly becoming common among the youth. There are many reasons for this. Most prominently, in this technological era, it is the excessive use of social media that can be a great reason for the cause of depression. In recent years, depression is increasingly becoming common among the youth. There are many reasons for this. Most prominently, in this technological era, it is the excessive use of social media that can be a great reason for the cause of depression. Similarly, the increasing unemployment and declining chance for upward social mobility are also causing alienation and depression among the youth.

Describe an example (without names) of someone you know with bipolar disorder?

Bipolar depression is the form of depression that causes extreme mood swings leading to extreme emotion at some times and at times complete loss of emotions. One of the famous people suffering from bipolar depression was Carrie Fisher. She was an actress. She was suffering from bipolar disorder and was diagnosed at the age of 18. She said that she observed a series of extreme mood swings. At one time she feels deserted and hopeless while other times, she felt that the world around her was heaven and there is no better place to live.

  • Gillespie, Claire. “14 Famous People With Bipolar Disorder.” July 2020
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