What should I write my essay about?🧐 | Experts Ideas💡

Although students have been writing essays throughout their academic life, they still find it a tedious task to do. While some students find essay writing boring, some struggle with complex topics. I have seen students have difficulty writing essays, spend hours on writing, and in the end, get frustrated. They are confused about how and what to write in an essay.

To write a good essay, students should understand the topic well. An excellent understanding of the topic will help them brainstorm ideas quickly. They will get a clear picture of what they want to say before even writing an essay. But it will only be possible when they choose an excellent, engaging topic. Otherwise, essay writing becomes a time-consuming and challenging task.

domyessaypaper has compiled excellent essay topics for students to save them from the hassle of searching for a topic. Let's look into the essay topics about which you can write your essay.

High School Essay Topics

These essay topics should neither be too narrow nor too broad, so the student can easily compile an essay around them. There should be room to discuss their views on that topic and provide relevant evidence. For instance

  • Mobile phones are a blessing and curse for high school students.
  • Is it ethical to neuter a pet animal?
  • Violence is transferring in youth due to violent video games.
  • Does the environment have significant theft from humans or technology?
  • Music increases mental peace and productivity.
  • Self-discipline is half success.

Middle School Essay Topics

Students should consider the essay's purpose to write an excellent middle school essay. Do they have to explain, compare and contrast, evaluate, or make an argument for their opinion in an essay? Knowing this will influence how they should select the essay topic. Enlist here are a few essay topics.

  • Is art education part of the curriculum?
  • Summer vacation is not for summer vacation homework.
  • Self-discipline is halfway to success.
  • Memorable family trip.
  • How outdoor activities boost child confidence.

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College Essay Topics

In essay writing, students are given the option to choose a topic. In that case, they should always choose what they like. Write about whatever makes you happy, the topic you enjoy discussing in detail without getting bored. You can do further research on that topic if you get short of ideas.

There are many college essay topics, such as

  • How bullying affects the mental health of the student.
  • How to balance family life and work life.
  • Can technology outsmart humans?
  • A child has to be rescued from abusing parents.
  • Are online classes more effective than physical classrooms?

Research Essay Topics

If you are thinking about writing a research essay, its topic selection is the most crucial factor to consider. The essay topic should be broad enough so you have the flexibility to write a whole essay on it.

Here are some examples of research essay topics

  • Social media has done pretty much social damage
  • Abortion helps rape victims to regain confidence.
  • Is bodybuilding good for health?
  • Feminism is causing harm to society.
  • Religion rules a man.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

These essays are great for comparing and contrasting similarities and differences between 2 things. You have to give extensive details to let readers make an opinion after reading your essay. Mention below is a few compare and contrast essay topics.

  • EBooks and Books: which is best
  • Introvert vs. Extrovert: who is more successful
  • Movies or Book: Which has a significant impact
  • iPhone vs. Android: Which one do people prefer to buy
  • Love or money: which one is happiness to you?

Expository Essay Topics

Expository essays clearly explain to the readers a topic. Few expository essay topics are as follows

  • Your resume is your ladder to success.
  • The young generation has a high social media addiction.
  • Smoking is injurious to health.
  • Time is money.
  • It's not looks but your manners.

Narrative Essay Topics

Writing a narrative essay is about a student's creativity and how he portrays his personal experience to the readers. The essay topic must be creative and robust so the student can write an exciting narrative essay. Let's see some narrative essay topics

  • How has time changed your friendship bond?
  • The situation you wish never happened.
  • How the internet has taken your spare time.
  • An unforgettable incident in your life.

Persuasive Essay Topics

As the name suggests, persuasive essays influence the readers through your argument and sharing your point of view.

Some examples of persuasive essay topics are

  • Social media platforms now serve as a job marketplace.
  • Skill is more important than the degree
  • School workload has taken away the creativity of students.
  • Sunday should be a family outing day.
  • Urban people have less patience.

Argumentative Essay Topics

To write an argumentative essay, students must study the topic in detail, investigate, develop the arguments, and write supporting evidence. They have to provide solid arguments for an essay. Here are a few argumentative essay topics

  • Sport should be only for boys and not for girls.
  • Recycling is good for planet Earth.
  • Bad company does not make you evil.
  • The covid-19 vaccine has more losses than gains.
  • Men and women are equal physically and emotionally.

Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive essays explain something to the readers. It is simply to inform or educate them about a particular topic. Here are a few examples of descriptive essay topics

  • Describe your visit to a historical place.
  • Describe an event that completely changed your life.
  • Describe how you see your life after graduation.

Do you get some idea of what you can write your essay about? We try our best to gather topic ideas for you. The domyessaypaper professional team has compiled an extensive list of student essay topics in this article. If you need help, our services are available 24/7 for our students, and we are here to help you write high-quality academic essays.

If you are busy or unable to write your essay then request us "do papers" and we will provide you the best essay.

Our team of experienced writers can get your essay written quickly, so you can meet your deadline without any stress or worries. We also have a customer service team that's available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have. So, if you need help with your essay, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to make your life easier!

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